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The Best Healthy Pumpkin Spice Protein Balls


Here's a healthy protein snack recipe that's perfect for the autumn season - pumpkin spice protein balls! When you use the right mix of pumpkin, protein, oats, peanut butter and of course, the spices, you get a delicious, nutritious, portable treat that you might even find yourself enjoying all year round!

22 Holiday Fitness Frustrations And What You Should Do About Them

2024-02-09T07:26:09-05:00News & Current Events|

If you asked the average casual exerciser, someone who doesn't lift for a living, or have unlimited free time, but has a tough job or kids or a busy schedule, most would tell you the holidays are like a mine field of temptations, distractions and obstacles blocking their path to a lean and healthy body. I know how many people feel this way because I recently surveyed thousands readers in our Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle Facebook group

5 Tips For Autopilot Fat Loss

2021-09-17T16:54:24-04:00Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

While pop diet culture tells us we just need self-discipline and (insert latest diet fad) for fat loss, there are easier, more effective and more long-term-friendly ways to get this done. One of the most effective umbrella strategies of better health and fat loss is shaping your environment: setting your life up in a way that nudges you in a particular direction. In short, we want to automate as much of our daily lives as possible. Here are 5 of the best tips for autopilot fat loss...

10 Inconvenient Truths About Fat Loss

2022-06-20T06:58:06-04:00Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

Sometimes the facts about fat loss are disconcerting. There are truths you may not want to hear, but they’re things you need to hear. As Carl Sagan said, “Better the hard truth than a comforting fantasy.” When you learn and accept the truth about fat loss, it’s only then that real change starts to happen.

How To Stop Eating Junk Food: The #1 Best Way

2021-05-09T11:42:45-04:00Food & Nutrition|

There are lots of valid strategies you could use to stop eating junk food: keeping it out of the house, eating mindfully, getting adequate sleep, managing stress, embracing meal planning, and using a variety of mental and emotional training techniques. But this one might be the best one... 

Homemade Vanilla Almond Protein Bars (No Bake)


Here they are! The homemade, no-bake, vanilla almond protein bars! What I especially like about these bars is that they're not only easy to make, they're not messy to make. Also, if you're feeling a little lazy, you can simply form them into protein balls instead of bars. These protein bars will give you 13 grams of protein and only 193 calories per serving (1 bar). Yum!

The Simple Hierarchy Of Fat Loss

2021-04-01T13:06:39-04:00Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

 I first read about the hierarchy of fat loss over a decade ago, and lately there's been a big resurgence of interest in the topic. Both coaches and athletes alike are keenly interested because so many people are still confused and overwhelmed about nutrition and failing to get results. The hierarchy of fat loss is all about priorities. Get your priorities right and results are guaranteed and overwhelm is gone

What Are Net Carbs And Should You Count Them?

2022-06-18T16:38:07-04:00Food & Nutrition, Health, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

What are net carbs? And if your goal is fat loss, do they matter? Should you track them if you’ve chosen a diet with a strict carb limit? Are net carbs even relevant and important, or is it just a marketing gimmick for low carb food products?

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