How To Get Six Pack Abs (And The Worst Abs Mistake)

2022-08-13T13:51:21-04:00By |Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

After 25  years in the fitness business, “How to get six pack abs” is still by far the most frequently asked question I receive out of the thousands of emails that come into my office every month. No doubt, it's because abs are the one body part that most people are the most frustrated with. Although their questions are often phrased differently and each person’s situation seems unique, my answer to “what's the real secret to getting six pack abs” is almost always the same… and you’re about to hear it...

3500 Calories To Lose A Pound… Is This Calorie Deficit Formula All Wrong?

2022-07-06T09:24:37-04:00By |Science & Research, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

Almost everybody has heard that there's 3500 calories in a pound of fat, so if you create a negative energy balance of 3500 calories in a week, you lose a pound of weight. Create [...]

If It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM): The Pop Tart Diet Revisited

2021-05-17T20:50:24-04:00By |Food & Nutrition, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

IIFYM is an acronym for, "If it Fits Your Macros." "Macros" of course,  is shorthand for macronutrients - protein, carbohydrates and fats. What does this have to do with Pop Tarts?  Keep reading and you'll find out. 

The Green Smoothie Diet and Juice Fasting Craze! Healthy or Hype?

2024-07-01T10:35:03-04:00By |Health, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

The green smoothie diet and juice fasting diets have exploded in popularity in the past few years. Everyone from authors to supplement companies to juicer machine companies to personal trainers (who want something else [...]

Calorie Denialism: Why It’s Hurting Your Fat Loss Efforts

2021-04-04T19:29:02-04:00By |Guest Blogs, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

Calories have become a perfect target for diet book authors and gurus alike to play on the emotions of those who struggle with weight.  In the typical diet book and health blog world, calories (and any mention of counting calories them) is met with an illogical amount of hostility.  It has become one of the greatest sources of confusion in the world of fat loss and has undoubtedly led to much frustration for those looking to shed pounds.

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