How Tracking Your Workout Calories Burned Can Sabotage Your Fat Loss

2020-06-29T21:04:46-04:00By |Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

Tracking the calories you burn from your workouts could sabotage your fat loss? What? Aren't you supposed to do that? Isn't it a good idea to use fitness trackers to monitor your calorie burn? Don't you [...]

If Your Goal Is Fat Loss, Should Your Training Focus More On Cardio Than Weights?

2020-07-29T18:25:38-04:00By |Exercise & Fitness, Weight Loss & Fat Loss, Weight Training|

Cardio or weights for fat loss? If your primary goal is fat loss, shouldn't you just focus on cardio and hold off on the weight training? And if they say you can't gain muscle when you're [...]

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