Can You Be Fat But Healthy?

2021-09-08T17:12:16-04:00By |Science & Research, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

How is it possible that some people are obese but appear healthy? How do we explain this seeming paradox? Can you improve your health while you're still overweight? And if you're fat but healthy, should you bother losing weight at all? Hmmm... interesting questions... and I have answers!

Winter Weight Gain: Does Cold Weather Make You Fatter?

2021-01-31T19:55:04-05:00By |Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

Winter weight gain is a problem. There are many forces conspiring to get you eating more and moving less in the cold months, and studies confirm that this leads to long-term fat gain. Fortunately, these pitfalls are avoidable and the solutions are simple.

20 Sleep Habits For Weight Loss And Muscle Growth

2020-08-10T12:51:30-04:00By |Health, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

Not losing fat? Not gaining muscle? Thinking you need a new diet? Different training plan? Well, hang on. First, how's your sleep? Poor sleep hygiene and sleep deprivation can stop fat loss and muscle growth dead in its tracks. Here is the ultimate checklist of the top 20 tips for better muscle-building, fat-burning sleep, according to science

Is It Ever Safe To Cut Calories More Aggressively To Burn Fat Faster?

2022-08-18T07:45:46-04:00By |Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

You're losing fat too slow. You want to burn fat faster. However, you've heard cutting calories too much kills your metabolism, tanks your hormones and makes you miserable. But you see people cut calories lower than they're supposed to, they get ripped abs, and they don't seem worse off for it. What gives?

Is Spot Reduction Of Body Fat Possible After All? (What The Latest Science Says)

2022-01-10T10:46:59-05:00By |Abs, Science & Research, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

Spot reduction of body fat is the theory that you can burn fat preferentially from one area of the body by doing exercises which target that specific spot. The most common [...]

Do Keto Diets Work? Yes, But I Still Don’t Recommend Them (Here’s Why)

2020-08-02T19:54:53-04:00By |Most Popular, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

Diet popularity comes and goes in cycles. The ketogenic diet - aka "keto" - has re surged in popularity to a high point I have not seen seen in 25 years. Keto and other [...]

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