Consistency Secrets: How To Stick To Your Diet And Training Plan

2025-01-17T09:19:17-05:00By |Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

So many people struggle to stay consistent with their diet, training, or both... they start, stop, start, stop without getting any real momentum or pulling together any kind of extended streak. I recently surveyed our group members who have been consistent for a year or more about how they did it... I took this list of real world strategies and combined it with what research says about sticking to a diet or training plan. The result is like a "blueprint for consistency"...

How Many Sets To Gain Muscle: The Newest Research For 2025

2025-01-02T07:02:35-05:00By |bodybuilding, Science & Research, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

If you want to get the best muscle gains possible, there are training variables that you need to optimize. That includes things like how much weight, how much intensity, and of course progressive overload. One of the most important variables is how many sets per week (aka "volume"). Though it's been researched in depth it's one of the most overlooked and misunderstood factors in the muscle building equation. The biggest study on volume ever done was just published and the findings were fascinating and useful....

The Curious Case Of How Being Less Strict On Your Diet Can Burn More Fat

2025-01-16T11:49:20-05:00By |Meal Planning, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

At Brown University, Dr. Rena Wing and her colleagues knew that the biggest problem is not taking fat off, it's keeping fat off. So they designed a study where subjects were told to break their diet for at least two weeks. The scientists were intentionally trying to get people to go off their diet and regain weight so they could study relapse and how to best get back on the wagon afterwards. What happened was totally unexpected......

Low Carb Intelligence vs Low Carb Stupidity, Revisited

2024-11-11T13:29:44-05:00By |Classic Posts, Food & Nutrition, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

High fat, low carb keto diets are still trending. They're not just trending, low carb diets are here to stay. But despite all the new science available today that gives us a better understanding of how low carb, high protein or low carb, high fat diets really work, a lot of people are still thinking about it wrong and doing it wrong. Marketeers are taking it to the bank… consumers, on the other hand, are being taken. And that’s why I’m revisiting and re-sharing this classic article, 20 years after its original publication

Some Thoughts About The Weight Loss Drug Ozempic (Semaglutide)

2024-08-16T18:33:46-04:00By |Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

Over the last few years, I've received numerous questions about the weight loss drug Ozempic (Semaglutide) but I never wrote about it before except in brief emails or social media replies. Since this topic has started coming up here in the Burn the Fat Inner Circle, I thought it was finally time to at least make a short post sharing what I know and think about the drug from the perspective of a fitness professional...

Which Alcoholic Drink is Best When You’re Dieting For Fat Loss?

2024-08-02T14:42:28-04:00By |Food & Nutrition, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

If you are going to go out and have a drink or two with friends, which is the best alcoholic drink when dieting on a fat loss program like Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle? Would it be vodka mixed with soda or dry white wine. Is champagne worse than the other two? Read on and find out...

About “Fat Burning Recipes”…

2024-07-26T15:44:01-04:00By |Food & Nutrition, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

Today I want to share another classic fat burner. No, no, not fat burner supplement pills – those things are worthless! Total rip off! I completely debunked and destroyed the fat burner supplement myth in a previous blog. Today what I’m talking about is classic “fat burning” recipes. But what do I mean by "fat burning recipes?" And is there really even such a thing as "fat burning recipes" or "fat burning foods?"

Fat Burners Don’t Work And Here’s The Science That Proves It

2024-04-05T12:02:06-04:00By |Supplements, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

Ever been curious if any fat burners are really backed by science. If so, and if you could only read one research paper to get the answer, it would be this one: “Comparing the effectiveness of fat burners and thermogenic supplements to diet and exercise for weight loss and cardiometabolic health.” This study was published in the scientific journal Nutrition And Health. (Clark et al 2021). I'll summarize it for you in 3 minutes...

Keeping It Off: Is Maintaining Weight Loss Mostly Mental?

2024-02-23T19:14:37-05:00By |Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

Losing weight only to gain it all back sucks. But unfortunately, within a year or so, it happens to at least 80% of dieters. Why do 80% fail? And how do the 20% succeed? Weight loss researchers have studied this and diet and exercise guidelines for weight loss maintenance have been widely published. But what about mindset? Is it possible that the mental side of maintenance is more important than the physical? Read on and find out what science says about it...

How To Keep Weight Off After Losing It

2024-02-17T15:05:57-05:00By |Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

So the strategy to keep weight off is simple: If you want to get rid of excess weight and then maintain your weight loss, don't just study weight losers, study weight loss maintainers. Find out what the most successful weight loss maintainers do and do the same things yourself. But how do you find maintainers and discover their successful strategies?  Here's how...

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