How Mark Burned 66 Pounds Of Fat In 8 Months And Won The Burn The Fat Challenge

2024-12-07T08:53:23-05:00By |Podcasts|

Mark Williams was the overall winner in the 2024 Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle Challenge in the men's muscle and physique division. In only 12 weeks, he burned off 23 pounds of fat (203-180 pounds). And that was only one challenge that ended in August. On January 1st he weighed 246 pounds, the heaviest in his life. That means in less than 8 months he burned over 65 pounds of fat. Most remarkable of all, he went from so unhealthy he thought he would die, to almost perfect health, astonishing his doctors and everyone around him.

From 100 Pound Weight Loss To “Muscle And Physique”

2024-12-06T16:41:39-05:00By |Podcasts, Transformations|

Discover how Shana Grandstaff dropped almost 100 pounds of fat, replaced it with muscle, and then won the Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle body transformation challenge ... all without restricting carbs or cutting out favorite foods like pizza, cookies, ice cream and chocolate.

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