The 8 Best Ways To Get Back On Track With Fitness Fast

2025-01-17T09:22:08-05:00By |Motivation & Mindset|

The difference between success and failure isn't whether you get off track, it's whether you get back on track, and most important of all is how quickly you do it. I recently hiked the 2200-mile Appalachian trail (AT) from my home state of New Jersey to the Southern terminus in Georgia.

Your Fitness Future Foretold: 20 Predictions For The New Year

2025-01-01T21:15:09-05:00By |Classic Posts, Motivation & Mindset|

Instead of making New Year predictions for trends in the whole diet and fitness industry, what if I could take out my crystal ball and predict with perfect precision exactly what kind of health and fitness results you will achieve by the end of the coming year? I can do that. In fact, I already did. Click here to see the prediction list in today's blog post

What Most People Are Still Getting Wrong About Goal-Oriented Versus Process-Oriented Fitness

2024-08-01T07:03:04-04:00By |Motivation & Mindset|

I recently read a book about mindfulness and being "present." The premise was that by learning to  love the process, you'll avoid self-judgement, eliminate impatience, end boredom, reduce stress, feel calmer, experience self-discovery, enjoy the journey and be happy. Achieving your goal will simply be a natural by-product. Sounds pretty good! But is being process-oriented really better than being goal-oriented? Why are some self-help gurus today telling us to "forget about goals?"

A Research-Proven “Mental Training” Tactic That Makes You Stronger

2024-04-19T15:14:06-04:00By |Motivation & Mindset|

The word visualization sometimes conjures up images of new age gurus teaching esoteric techniques for personal enlightenment and "attracting" what you want into your life. This causes many evidence-based types to scoff. However, piles of research has shown that mental imagery (aka "visualization") can improve performance. One study suggests that a specific type of mental imagery that you do in the gym can also increase your strength...

30 Things I Learned From 30 Years of Bodybuilding

2024-01-25T11:26:02-05:00By |bodybuilding, Classic Posts, Motivation & Mindset|

I started lifting in the early 1980's and right from day one, I was engrossed with the bodybuilding style of training and eating. I think it's always valuable to take time for reflection, and realizing this year that I had accumulated 30 years of training experience (including 28 competitions as a natural bodybuilder), I thought you would enjoy a post on my “lessons learned” that might help you in your own fitness endeavors, and hopefully help you shave a few years off your learning curve.

Is Lack Of Focus Killing Your Consistency?

2023-10-15T05:39:45-04:00By |Meal Planning, Motivation & Mindset|

What’s the biggest problem you’re struggling with in your nutrition and training right now? I recently asked everyone in the Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle (BFFM) Official Facebook group this question. The list of problems was long. But one problem was named more than any other...

Peak Your Physique With The Streak Technique

2023-05-27T08:14:24-04:00By |Motivation & Mindset|

There's a technique I started using prior to my first body building contest, decades ago, and it was so effective for helping me nail my peak condition on the one day that counted, I've done it ever since, through 28 competitions, and now, to achieve goals for recreational bodybuilding and fitness. I've recommended this simple secret to thousands of clients and readers over the years and now you can use this powerful tool too...

The Countdown Calendar And Streak Technique: How to Peak Your Physique on a Deadline

2023-08-01T16:58:49-04:00By |Motivation & Mindset|

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a physique, fitness, or strength competitor, or you’re a recreational health, fitness or sports enthusiast, if you have goals and you know when you want to achieve them, then I guarantee the tool you're about to learn about will skyrocket your training, diet and overall fitness success. It can also help you establish any new habit or break any old one. It's also one of the simplest strategies you will ever use. It's so simple, you have to be careful not to dismiss it until you try it. Anyone can do this, and without much effort. Oh, it's free too...

The Fresh Start Effect And The Truth About New Year’s Resolutions

2023-12-14T19:58:02-05:00By |Motivation & Mindset|

Many programs, initiatives and aspirations aren't acted on because the best time to start wasn't taken into consideration. If a call to action catches you in the middle of you busy life when you're entrenched in other routines, it's easy to ignore. Psychologists are now saying that the best time to motivate yourself to start is when it feels like you have a clean slate. This is a time when no old habits or routines are working against you. It's called the fresh start effect.

Why Self Motivation Is The Best Motivation

2021-12-24T17:01:08-05:00By |Motivation & Mindset|

Only a small percentage of people stay motivated to keep going consistently month after month, year after year, continuing to pursue fitness and continuing to improve themselves. What's the difference between these people and the masses who drop out? The answer may lie in the type of motivation they use because there's one kind of motivation that's stronger and longer lasting than all the rest

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