10 More Of The Biggest Fat Loss Diet Problems, Solved

2021-03-29T12:35:51-04:00By |Meal Planning, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

In the last post, I shared 10 of the biggest fat loss diet problems, obstacles and challenges that readers told me were holding them back from reaching their fat loss goals. But in a pandemic year, a lot of people had a LOT of problems. Here are 10 more, along with how to solve them

Meal Planning Is Not The Opposite Of Flexible Dieting

2021-03-06T10:39:32-05:00By |Featured, Meal Planning|

One of the big myths of meal planning is that if you follow a meal plan, that means you're being rigid, inflexible and you'll get bored because you're locked into eating the same thing every day. Except you're not locked in. Who's locking you in? Meal planning is not the opposite of flexible dieting

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