Walking To Live Longer: The Blue Zone Anti-Aging Secret Backed by Science

2025-03-21T19:30:45-04:00By |Health, Walking & Hiking|

Want to live longer? One of the most powerful anti-aging secrets isn’t some pricey supplement, extreme diet, or intense workout. It’s something you already do - walking. Research shows that regular walking can slash disease risk, improve brain health, and even help you live longer—just like the world’s longest-living populations in the Blue Zones. Read on to discover how walking could be your simplest path to a longer, healthier life."

Cracking the Egg Myth: Why Nutrition Experts Now Recommend What They Once Feared

2025-03-02T10:30:40-05:00By |Food & Nutrition, Health|

For many years, people have been confused about eggs. Will the cholesterol in eggs increase the cholesterol in your blood? Are the yolks bad for your heart? Should you only eat egg whites? This article will explain what modern science tells us about eggs and health.

The “Disuse Syndrome” Is Slowly Killing People

2024-11-09T09:14:58-05:00By |Health|

This post is about aging, but also about using or losing it at any age - even as young as 30 or 40... muscle and strength that is. It's a very personal story, about me and my family. So much so, that my finger hovered above the "publish" button for quite a while. I guess I finally clicked and am sharing because I believe this is such an important message

Could 10,000 Steps A Day Save You From An Early Death?

2024-09-13T16:23:32-04:00By |Cardio Training, Health|

Could 10,000 steps a day save you from an early death? If you ever Googled the topic, you may have heard that 10,000 steps a day is a great goal for achieving better health and even decreasing mortality risk. On the other hand, You may have come across skeptics who question whether 10,000 steps is necessary at all, let alone extend your lifespan. So what's the deal? What does science say about 10K a day, health, and mortality?

Walking Vs Running: Which Is Better For Your Health?

2025-03-21T19:31:18-04:00By |Cardio Training, Health, Walking & Hiking|

Running and walking are both popular activities for fitness and health, but it's commonly believed by many people that walking isn't intense enough to benefit your health much and you'd get more benefit if you ran. But is this really true? See what recent research says about walking vs running

The Best Exercise To Reverse Aging And Live Longer

2024-07-22T10:08:59-04:00By |Cardio Training, Health|

What is the best exercise to reverse aging and extend your lifespan? Is it lifting weights? We could make a good argument that the answer is yes. People who don’t lift weights lose muscle with every passing year. But do not underestimate the amazing power of the right cardio combined with weight lifting... According to the latest research, if you do the right kind of cardio, it makes your heart health 15 to 20 years younger

Steps Per Day Or Minutes Per Day: How To Set Your Daily Exercise Goal

2024-04-05T06:37:59-04:00By |Cardio Training, Health|

Your physical activity goal: Should it be steps or minutes per day? Step counting has become popular, not just because fitness trackers and apps are so popular, but also because the health and fitness industry endorses step goals and research has confirmed the benefits of hitting certain benchmarks. But meanwhile, every major health organization in the world recommends setting activity goals based on minutes. So which metric should you use?...

The Myth Of 1 Thing

2024-01-26T09:25:08-05:00By |Health, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

I'm sure you've seen ads like this before: "Cut out this 1 food group and watch the pounds melt away." Why do we see ads like these so often? Because advertisers know they work. They hit a psychological hot button. Harsh truth: There's no 1 thing that's going to transform your body and health. If it were that easy, no one would be obese. No one would have type 2 diabetes. No one would have heart disease.

How To Get 10000 Steps A Day: 40 Easy Ways To Walk More

2025-03-21T19:32:06-04:00By |Cardio Training, Exercise & Fitness, Health, Walking & Hiking|

Many people would like to get more active by walking more and upping their step count. The problem is, they're intimidated by the 10,000 steps goal or they think it's impossible, either due to their current fitness and stamina levels being low, or even more often, because they don't have more time to commit to it. The truth is, while 10,000 a day is a challenge, it may be easier than you think when you know how... Here are 40 simple ways to do it

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