Diet Myths: 20 Things That Quacks, Cons And Charlatans Say

2025-03-04T12:56:28-05:00By |Hall of Shame, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

It’s an amazing time to be alive. Today, there’s not only more health fitness and nutrition knowledge available at your fingertips than ever before, but also more evidence-based (scientific) information. The problem in this new internet age is that mixed in with some of the best info we have ever had, is an equal if not larger amount of misinformation circulated by quacks, cons and charlatans. In this post, Tom Venuto debunks 20 of the biggest diet myths

The Shocking Truth About Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) To Build Muscle And Burn Fat

2023-09-03T12:36:32-04:00By |Abs, Classic Posts, Gain Muscle, Hall of Shame|

The "Shocking" truth about electrical muscle stimulation (EMS). Shocking. Get it?  Sorry, bad pun - I couldn't resist. But this deserves to be poked fun at. "Attach electrodes to your belly, turn on the current, [...]

Keto Diet Lies And Keto Diet Myths

2021-04-08T10:22:04-04:00By |Hall of Shame, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

There is such a thing as a scientific keto diet. There is such a thing as a well-informed person who goes on keto for a specific reason that’s perfectly logical. There is such a thing as a person who succeeds on keto, including successful maintenance. Keto diets can work, and are not necessarily harmful. I am not writing this to bash keto. However I am here to expose keto diet lies and bust keto diet myths that need to die.

Apple Cider Vinegar For Weight Loss Is A Scam

2020-09-19T18:49:57-04:00By |Hall of Shame|

If there is one food, supplement or folk remedy hyped with the longest list of supposed health benefits, including “It burns fat too!” it’s got to be apple cider vinegar. The truth is, apple cider vinegar is not a fat burner. At best, it’s half a salad dressing. Even then, balsamic is better…

Green Coffee Bean Extract Exposed: Another So-Called “Miracle Fat Burner” Makes The Hall of Shame

2019-02-19T21:29:27-05:00By |Hall of Shame, Supplements|

Since 1989, when I started in the fitness business, I’ve seen dozens of diet supplements burst onto the scene, sell into the multi-millions, only to drop off the map and end up buried in the [...]

The Truth About Sensa: FTC Says "Weight Loss Sprinkles" Are a Scam

2019-02-19T21:29:34-05:00By |Hall of Shame, Supplements|

Everyone has heard the commercials at least once. Sensa, the miracle supplement that will help you lose weight without resorting to a diet! Trainers and doctors have been inundated with questions about the supplement for [...]

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