You Can Eat Processed Food And Still Lose Fat. But Should You?

2025-03-13T21:43:54-04:00By |Food & Nutrition, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

Is it true that you can lose body fat if you're in a calorie deficit, regardless of what foods you eat? Contrary to what many people think, it is true! If so, then why avoid tasty processed food? You only live once (YOLO), so why not eat anything you want, just being sure to stay in a deficit, and enjoy life? The answer is, calories are the bottom line when it comes to weight loss but there's more to a good nutrition plan than just calories

Cracking the Egg Myth: Why Nutrition Experts Now Recommend What They Once Feared

2025-03-02T10:30:40-05:00By |Food & Nutrition, Health|

For many years, people have been confused about eggs. Will the cholesterol in eggs increase the cholesterol in your blood? Are the yolks bad for your heart? Should you only eat egg whites? This article will explain what modern science tells us about eggs and health.

Low Carb Intelligence vs Low Carb Stupidity, Revisited

2024-11-11T13:29:44-05:00By |Classic Posts, Food & Nutrition, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

High fat, low carb keto diets are still trending. They're not just trending, low carb diets are here to stay. But despite all the new science available today that gives us a better understanding of how low carb, high protein or low carb, high fat diets really work, a lot of people are still thinking about it wrong and doing it wrong. Marketeers are taking it to the bank… consumers, on the other hand, are being taken. And that’s why I’m revisiting and re-sharing this classic article, 20 years after its original publication

Which Alcoholic Drink is Best When You’re Dieting For Fat Loss?

2024-08-02T14:42:28-04:00By |Food & Nutrition, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

If you are going to go out and have a drink or two with friends, which is the best alcoholic drink when dieting on a fat loss program like Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle? Would it be vodka mixed with soda or dry white wine. Is champagne worse than the other two? Read on and find out...

About “Fat Burning Recipes”…

2024-07-26T15:44:01-04:00By |Food & Nutrition, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

Today I want to share another classic fat burner. No, no, not fat burner supplement pills – those things are worthless! Total rip off! I completely debunked and destroyed the fat burner supplement myth in a previous blog. Today what I’m talking about is classic “fat burning” recipes. But what do I mean by "fat burning recipes?" And is there really even such a thing as "fat burning recipes" or "fat burning foods?"

How Much Protein Can Your Body Absorb In One Meal?

2023-07-07T19:18:20-04:00By |bodybuilding, Food & Nutrition|

How much protein you should eat per day to build muscle at the optimum rate? This question has been debated for years. It still is to this day, though good science points to 1.6 to 2.2 grams per kilogram of bodyweight per day as a pretty good guideline. But one question that probably causes even more controversy and confusion is this one: “How much protein you should eat at each meal?” Differently stated, “How much protein can your body absorb or digest in one sitting?”

How To Burn Fat Eating Burgers And Ice Cream

2023-06-21T16:21:18-04:00By |Food & Nutrition|

Imagine burning fat eating foods like these: Big juicy burgers, chicken nuggets with dipping sauce, rich lasagna, beef stir fry with noodles, and creamy mashed potatoes. What about desserts and treats like ice cream, frosty milkshakes, oven-fresh cookies and chocolataely brownies? It would be great. But we only wish. That's impossible, right? Wrong. Today I eat all that and more weekly or even daily and I stay lean and muscular. But I didn't always enjoy eating this way...

The Double Edged Sword Of “Healthy” Fast Food

2023-03-10T20:02:32-05:00By |Classic Posts, Food & Nutrition|

A Burn the Fat Blog Archives Classic. Originally published March 15th, 2010. What’s on the menu at fast food restaurants lately? Ironically enough, the answer increasingly is… “health food!” Even more incongruous, many fast [...]

How Many Carbs Per Meal To Lose Weight? 

2023-02-10T16:38:28-05:00By |Food & Nutrition, Meal Planning|

How many carbs can you eat per meal without storing it as body fat? This has become a common question, and a part of the reason is due to low carb diets getting so popular. But you don't have to be scared of carbs, you simply need to know how to set them right for your goals and needs. Follow the 5 "carb-setting factors" in this post and you'll know exactly how many carbs to eat per meal without a doubt

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