The 2/3 Hybrid Split Routine For Building Muscle

2021-12-09T13:35:30-05:00By |bodybuilding, Weight Training|

I'd like to introduce a new type of "hybrid" split routine designed for building both muscle and strength at the same time. You'll get a lot stronger on this schedule, but because you don't train heavy every day of the week, it's fairly easy on your joints. It also rotates some of the exercises through the week so you don't get bored, and it uses triple progression so you can keep making gains on the same routine for 12 weeks straight. 

Rest Pause Training: The High-Intensity Lifting Technique To Build More Muscle In Less Time

2022-05-13T16:21:39-04:00By |bodybuilding, Weight Training|

Weight training systems that save you time without compromising your gains are the most valuable kind for busy people. When the same training method helps you easily achieve progressive overload as well, that takes it to a whole other level. The rest pause training method is one of the few that achieves both. It's not a new technique - it's been used by pro bodybuilders for at least 60 years, but outside of physique sports, most people don't even know what rest pause is. Now, decades later, scientists have confirmed how effective and efficient it is so if you're not using it, you're missing out... |image1|

The #1 Biggest Muscle-Building Mistake

2021-12-09T14:36:22-05:00By |bodybuilding, Gain Muscle|

In previous Burn the Fat Blog posts, I've discussed the most crucial muscle-building program design principles like the ideal number of sets (volume), the perfect number of reps and the magic of progressive overload. Today I'll briefly share another key principle of muscle growth - it's the ultimate #1 key to gaining muscle. Or if we flipped it in reverse... NOT applying this muscle-building principle is THE biggest mistake that stops your muscle gains. This ultimate principle for building muscle is...

The Newest Muscle Building Science: 8 Research-Proven Breakthroughs That Guarantee Gains

2022-08-14T18:04:18-04:00By |bodybuilding|

The last 10 years have been an exciting time in the muscle building science world. There have been so many discoveries – even major breakthroughs – that there has never been more certainty about how to train to build muscle than today. That is, if you’ve been following the science. If you pay no attention to science, you might still be using training ideas that were outdated decades ago.

How Lifting Weights “Backwards” Helps You Keep Gaining Muscle And Lifting Pain Free For Life

2021-11-21T14:55:53-05:00By |bodybuilding, Weight Training|

There are standard guidelines for choosing all your weight training variables. Traditional trainers and textbooks advise us to follow these rules if we want the best results in strength and [...]

Why It’s Possible To Gain Muscle Lifting Light Weights For High Reps… And The 1 Key To Making It Happen

2020-07-30T21:08:11-04:00By |bodybuilding, Gain Muscle, Weight Training|

Most people believe that if they don’t lift heavy, they’ll never gain muscle. High rep, light weight training has always been thought of as for endurance or toning. Some people would even say, "Lifting light is for wimps." Science now shows that you can build muscle with light weights if you do 1 thing

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