High Protein Pumpkin Overnight Oats Recipe

2024-11-01T15:37:48-04:00By |Recipes|

By fortifying this high protein pumpkin overnight oats recipe with one full scoop of whey, you get a whopping 44 grams of protein, making this a complete meal. The standard vanilla protein that most people have on hand works great, but try pumpkin protein for intense flavor. You can use store bought pumpkin spice seasoning or make your own. Top it off with some maple syrup (sugar free or regular) and it's like eating pumpkin pie for breakfast! Well, almost

Is Lack Of Focus Killing Your Consistency?

2023-10-15T05:39:45-04:00By |Meal Planning, Motivation & Mindset|

What’s the biggest problem you’re struggling with in your nutrition and training right now? I recently asked everyone in the Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle (BFFM) Official Facebook group this question. The list of problems was long. But one problem was named more than any other...

Double Split Training: How Lifting Twice A Day Can Build More Muscle

2023-10-06T15:52:28-04:00By |bodybuilding, Weight Training|

Arnold Schwarzenegger was famous for training twice a day on a system known as a double split routine and he went on to become one of the most muscular men of all time. Could splitting your workouts in two and doing half in the AM and half in the PM increase your muscle growth too, or is this technique only for the pros with superior genetics and unlimited time? Read on to see the pros and cons - you may be surprised at the answer!

The Best 4 Day Workout Split To Gain Muscle

2023-09-29T12:13:24-04:00By |bodybuilding, Weight Training|

There is no single best muscle building workout for everyone. Each person has different goals, time availability, experience level and personal preferences. All these factors play into your decision about which routine is best for you. However... what if... gun to the head, I was forced to pick the muscle building program I thought was the best, based on more than 40 years of lifting, including for bodybuilding competition training? Read this post to see my #1 choice...

Is Training Each Muscle Only Once A Week A Bad Idea?

2023-09-15T09:24:37-04:00By |bodybuilding, Weight Training|

One of the biggest debates in bodybuilding in the past decade has been about whether a higher or lower training frequency is better. Early studies that compared training only once a week to twice a week seemed to suggest twice a week builds more muscle and that's what most trainers heavily promoted. But more recent studies that were better designed have increased our understanding of this subject.

“You Can’t Out Train A Bad Diet” Doesn’t Mean “Training Doesn’t Work For Weight Loss”

2023-09-07T16:20:53-04:00By |Exercise & Fitness, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

"You can't out train a bad diet." Basically, this trite saying is trying to convey the idea that if you don’t control your food intake and balance it with your activity, so you sustain a caloric deficit, you won’t lose weight regardless of how much you exercise. Re-stated this way, in the context of energy balance, I don’t think anyone would disagree. However, I'm here to explain how this phrase has gone wrong...

The Shocking Truth About Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) To Build Muscle And Burn Fat

2023-09-03T12:36:32-04:00By |Abs, Classic Posts, Gain Muscle, Hall of Shame|

The "Shocking" truth about electrical muscle stimulation (EMS). Shocking. Get it?  Sorry, bad pun - I couldn't resist. But this deserves to be poked fun at. "Attach electrodes to your belly, turn on the current, [...]

Long Duration, Low Intensity Cardio For Fat Loss: Good Or Bad?

2023-09-11T18:14:26-04:00By |Cardio Training, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

What if your goal was fat loss and you did an hour a day of low-intensity cardio. Would that be a good idea compared to higher intensity cardio with much shorter workouts?  What if you did 90 minutes, or even (gasp) TWO HOURS a day of low intensity cardio?  What about that?  Bad? Total overkill? Or could that be a secret key to losing fat fast that most people never use because it's too time consuming?  What if you had the time? For the answer to this unusual question, read on.

Sara’s Belly Fat-Busting, Body Transformation Secrets For Women

2023-09-01T15:52:13-04:00By |Burn The Fat Challenge, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

With the right nutrition, weight training, cardio, mindset, and accountability, you can transform your body, fitness, and health more than you might imagine in only 12 weeks... Sara Ryan, 44, is one of thousands of people who have proven it with her results from the Burn the Fat Challenge, a 12-week body transformation contest sponsored by Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle.

How To Get 10000 Steps A Day: 40 Easy Ways To Walk More

2023-08-25T19:19:24-04:00By |Cardio Training, Exercise & Fitness, Health|

Many people would like to get more active by walking more and upping their step count. The problem is, they're intimidated by the 10,000 steps goal or they think it's impossible, either due to their current fitness and stamina levels being low, or even more often, because they don't have more time to commit to it. The truth is, while 10,000 a day is a challenge, it may be easier than you think when you know how... Here are 40 simple ways to do it

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