It’s official! The Most Anticipated Fitness Website Launch Of 2006… Tom Venuto’s Burn The Fat Inner Circle Members-Only Site Opens September 19th

2019-02-20T14:11:31-05:00By |News & Current Events|

Great news! After many, many, many months of preparation and work, the Burn The Fat Inner Circle members only website is nearing completion and is officially scheduled for a September 19th launch date! You can’t [...]

‘Ride-em Cowboy’Core Trainer…"I Gallop Because I Lazy"…

2019-02-20T14:13:54-05:00By |News & Current Events|

After yesterday’s blog about the vibration platform (power plate), someone emailed me a link to another vibrating $5,000 “exercise” machine… You gotta see this… “I gallop Because I lazy…” giddyup! […]

An Amazing Conversation With A Fitness And Figure Superstar – Janet Marsico

2019-02-20T14:15:53-05:00By |Tom's Interviews|

What does it take to have the body of a fitness star, win figure championship titles and look 20 at the age of 40? You’re about to find out in this exclusive interview with WNBF [...]

Control Your Appetite And Keep The Weight Off With This Metabolism-Stimulating Food

2020-05-29T17:29:44-04:00By |Food & Nutrition|

There have been countless studies performed on the role of protein in the muscle growth process to try and determine exactly how much protein you should consume to build muscle [...]

Why Some People Give Up On Their Diets While Others NEVER, EVER Quit!

2019-02-20T14:18:34-05:00By |Motivation & Mindset|

Some people just never quit. They have ferocious persistence and they never let go of their goals. They’re like the bulldog that refuses to release its teeth-hold on a bone. No matter how hard you [...]

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