GOALS By Brian Tracy – Book Review By Tom Venuto

2024-08-02T14:09:02-04:00By |Book Reviews|

Brian Tracy is a legend in the personal development, business development and motivational speaking industries. He is also one of the last living GOATS in the field, still teaching at age 80. There are many good books and audio programs about setting and achieving goals, but Brian's book, GOALS! How To Get Everything You Want, Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible, is one of the best. It is slanted toward business and financial success, but the principles are universal and can be applied to any area of your life, including health and fitness...

What Most People Are Still Getting Wrong About Goal-Oriented Versus Process-Oriented Fitness

2024-08-01T07:03:04-04:00By |Motivation & Mindset|

I recently read a book about mindfulness and being "present." The premise was that by learning to  love the process, you'll avoid self-judgement, eliminate impatience, end boredom, reduce stress, feel calmer, experience self-discovery, enjoy the journey and be happy. Achieving your goal will simply be a natural by-product. Sounds pretty good! But is being process-oriented really better than being goal-oriented? Why are some self-help gurus today telling us to "forget about goals?"

About “Fat Burning Recipes”…

2024-07-26T15:44:01-04:00By |Food & Nutrition, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

Today I want to share another classic fat burner. No, no, not fat burner supplement pills – those things are worthless! Total rip off! I completely debunked and destroyed the fat burner supplement myth in a previous blog. Today what I’m talking about is classic “fat burning” recipes. But what do I mean by "fat burning recipes?" And is there really even such a thing as "fat burning recipes" or "fat burning foods?"

The Best Exercise To Reverse Aging And Live Longer

2024-07-22T10:08:59-04:00By |Cardio Training, Health|

What is the best exercise to reverse aging and extend your lifespan? Is it lifting weights? We could make a good argument that the answer is yes. People who don’t lift weights lose muscle with every passing year. But do not underestimate the amazing power of the right cardio combined with weight lifting... According to the latest research, if you do the right kind of cardio, it makes your heart health 15 to 20 years younger

How To Measure Your Progress Without Body Fat Testing

2024-06-27T17:22:38-04:00By |Body Composition & Body Fat Testing|

There's been a lot of chatter in recent years about whether it's worth it to take body fat percentage measurements. A number of coaches have stopped doing these tests for their clients. Many consumers complain that body fat scales (bioelectric impedance analysis) seem unreliable and that skinfold calipers are hard to use. They wonder about accuracy.

Bulk Or Cut? (What Should Your Body Fat Be Before You Start A Muscle Gaining Diet?)

2024-06-25T07:50:29-04:00By |Body Recomposition, Gain Muscle|

So you're wondering, "Should I bulk or cut?" Maybe you're not sure because you heard out there in social media and blog world that you're not supposed go on a muscle building diet if your body fat is a little high. Then you wonder, "Well, how low does my body fat have to be before it's ok for me to bulk? When is it okay for me to go into a calorie surplus for bulking? The answer is here!

Cool Summer Chickpea Salad With Bell Peppers

2024-06-21T13:07:00-04:00By |Recipes|

This chick pea and bell pepper salad is perfect for a hot summer day or night. It's delicious, has a great crunch and is packed with nutrients including 13 grams of fiber. Served by itself, it's vegan, or try serving it with a lemon-pepper chicken breast on the side, or tuna mixed in for the lean protein to make it a complete high protein meal. Takes just 10 minutes to make! Serve it right up, or put it in the fridge and serve it chilled later

Macro Mistakes That Even Experienced Dieters Still Make

2024-06-14T15:33:51-04:00By |Meal Planning|

Most people are making big mistakes when setting their macros (protein, carbs, fats). Beginners are more prone to these errors. That's understandable. There's a learning curve to this stuff. But what might surprise you is how many experienced dieters and physique enthusiasts are making the same macro mistakes too. See a list of the top 6 mistakes, and what to do about them in this post...

3-Ingredient Shredded Salsa Chicken

2024-06-21T12:16:23-04:00By |Recipes|

3-Ingredient Slow Cooker Shredded Salsa Chicken Everyone should have a handful of recipes that use few ingredients (preferably already in the house), and that require virtually no prep time and no cooking skill. Slow cooker shredded salsa chicken is one of the best. It doesn't get much simpler or easier than this. Toss three ingredients in your slow cooker, set it, forget it, and in less than four hours you have a spicy high-protein meal, ready to go.

Full Body Vs Split Routine For Strength And Muscle: Which One Wins?

2024-09-20T10:30:12-04:00By |bodybuilding, Weight Training|

If you compared a full body vs split routine, which would be better for gaining muscle size and strength? This has been a controversy for years. A new study was published recently in the prestigious Journal of Strength And Conditioning Research (Ramos-Campo 2024) which aimed to finally settle this debate.

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