How Being a Dad Can Transform Your Body And Health (Happy Father’s Day!)

2019-02-19T21:44:25-05:00By |News & Current Events|

Did you know there was a study conducted some years ago which revealed that married men are healthier and live longer, BUT… Men are also more likely to get fatter after they get married. (some [...]

Burn The Fat 2011 Summer Challenge: Schedule of Events & Prize Package!

2019-02-19T21:42:49-05:00By |Burn The Fat Challenge|

Announcing! The annual event that everyone in the Burn the Fat community has been waiting for… The 2011 Burn the Fat Summer Body Transformation Challenge! Read this post to see the Schedule of events for [...]

Super Moms Burn The Fat & Feed The Muscle! (Amazing Before & After Pics!)

2019-02-19T21:42:50-05:00By |Transformations, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

Everyone knows that women have it harder than men in the fat burning department to begin with… and if you’re a mom, chasing screaming little ones around the house all day long, you might as [...]

Acai Berry Weight Loss Scam: Fraudsters Caught Red-Handed

2021-05-05T10:26:02-04:00By |Hall of Shame, Supplements|

Acai Berry has been touted as a powerhouse superfood and weight loss miracle. The truth is, not only are most of the health claims unproven, the weight loss claims have no basis whatsoever.  Acai Berry for weight loss is a scam. Although the Acai craze probably peaked years ago, it never went away entirely... I hope this blog post pounds another nail in the Acai coffin

Sleep Problems And Major Weight Gain

2020-08-05T19:25:49-04:00By |Science & Research, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

Numerous studies, many conducted just in the past few years have provided convincing evidence that lack of sleep is a risk factor for fat gain and obesity. A study from Finland published in the International Journal of Obesity revealed that various types of sleep problems such as difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, were also associated with obesity.

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