Best Female Body Transformation of the Year!

2020-08-08T13:55:32-04:00By |Burn The Fat Challenge, Hall of Fame, Transformations|

Meet Christina! The newest Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle (BFFM) body transformation overall women's challenge champion! These amazing results were achieved during the Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle summer body transformation challenge - [...]

Move a Little, Lose a Lot (My NEAT Step Experiment, Part 3)

2022-04-10T18:39:16-04:00By |Cardio Training, Exercise Equipment, Product reviews, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

Is burning fat and keeping it off as simple as moving more? Is the solution to the entire obesity crisis getting off our butts? Well, yes and no. Yes, moving [...]

Fit Bit Pedometer Review (My NEAT Step Experiment Pt 2)

2020-05-08T17:30:32-04:00By |Exercise Equipment, Product reviews|

“Sitting too much  could kill you!” Alarming headlines this past month once again scared health conscious readers as journalists reported another new study showing a correlation between sitting time and death. [...]

ME? A Couch Potato? (My N.E.A.T. Step Experiment Part 1)

2020-05-08T16:59:21-04:00By |Cardio Training, Exercise Equipment, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

Finally, I bought a Fitbit. I say finally because I’d been hearing about the Fitbit (and similar activitiy tracking devices like the BodyBugg) from my friends, readers and Inner Circle [...]

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