What No One Ever Told You About Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) And What It Really Means

2014-07-25T18:40:21-04:00By |Most Popular, Science & Research, Weight Training|

I’ve been asked questions about delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) for years, and lately have received more questions about DOMS than ever, so obviously people are fascinated by this subject and many are concerned about [...]

6 Indisputable And Incredible Reasons Women 40+ Should Strength Train

2019-02-19T21:33:06-05:00By |Guest Blogs, Weight Training|

Strength training can benefit absolutely anyone, but it can be even more important, and perhaps even beneficial, the older we get. Before we proceed, I must tell you I’m not 40. Heck, I’m not even [...]

Calorie Denialism: Why It’s Hurting Your Fat Loss Efforts

2021-04-04T19:29:02-04:00By |Guest Blogs, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

Calories have become a perfect target for diet book authors and gurus alike to play on the emotions of those who struggle with weight.  In the typical diet book and health blog world, calories (and any mention of counting calories them) is met with an illogical amount of hostility.  It has become one of the greatest sources of confusion in the world of fat loss and has undoubtedly led to much frustration for those looking to shed pounds.

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