Simple One Skillet Chicken Fajitas

2024-11-22T08:20:25-05:00By |Recipes|

Who doesn't love fajitas? Not many, I figure. They're a favorite in Mexican restaurants, but you can make them healthier at home, controlling the fat and salt if you choose, and they are just as tasty! They're also versatile, because you can enjoy the veggies and protein for very low carb, or give yourself the amount of carbs you want by serving with whole grain tortillas, or rice. Super simple and fast too!

Low Carb Intelligence vs Low Carb Stupidity, Revisited

2024-11-11T13:29:44-05:00By |Classic Posts, Food & Nutrition, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

High fat, low carb keto diets are still trending. They're not just trending, low carb diets are here to stay. But despite all the new science available today that gives us a better understanding of how low carb, high protein or low carb, high fat diets really work, a lot of people are still thinking about it wrong and doing it wrong. Marketeers are taking it to the bank… consumers, on the other hand, are being taken. And that’s why I’m revisiting and re-sharing this classic article, 20 years after its original publication

The Billion Dollar Scam

2024-11-10T16:47:19-05:00By |Supplements|

An Inner Circle member who I chat with quite often asked me the other day: "Tom, how come you always seem so critical of supplements in general? I would think, since you've always been a natural bodybuilder, that if it was possible a natural supplement could increase performance or muscle gains, and be an alternative to steroids or P.E.D.s, you'd be all for it." I thought that was a fair question. This was my reply...

Tired Of Tracking Macros And Counting Calories? Here Are 2 Easy Alternatives

2024-11-08T22:44:15-05:00By |Meal Planning|

A lot of people struggle with tracking calories and macros (protein, carbs and fat) and hitting their ideal macro targets every day. In fact, many people are frustrated from day one because they can’t even figure out their ideal calorie and macro intake in the first place, let alone make a daily or weekly meal plan based on macros (without hiring an expensive coach). I understand the frustrations and concerns. That’s why in today’s post I wanted to share two easy alternatives to setting calorie and macro goals.

Discipline Is Destiny By Ryan Holiday Book Review

2024-11-02T12:36:20-04:00By |Book Reviews|

Author Ryan Holiday explains that in the ancient world, there were four key virtues: Courage, Temperance, Justice, and Wisdom. Simply stated, he says that practicing these virtues means doing the right thing rather than the easy thing, and it’s the key to a life of excellence and honor. In this book, he focuses on temperance, defined as self-control, moderation, composure, and balance. In a word, discipline. This might not be his most well-known book, but it's a really good one, and the topic is a really important one...

The 6 Best Superset Workouts To Build More Muscle In Less Time

2024-11-08T08:18:48-05:00By |Superset Training|

A superset is a weight training technique where you do two exercises in a row, with little or no rest in between. You take a normal rest interval after the second exercise, which is usually one to two minutes. After the short break, you repeat the two-exercise sequence. Supersets are scientifically proven to build muscle in less time. With supersets, you could easily cut your gym time by a third and even cut it in half, making this extremely valuable for busy people.

The “Disuse Syndrome” Is Slowly Killing People

2024-11-09T09:14:58-05:00By |Health|

This post is about aging, but also about using or losing it at any age - even as young as 30 or 40... muscle and strength that is. It's a very personal story, about me and my family. So much so, that my finger hovered above the "publish" button for quite a while. I guess I finally clicked and am sharing because I believe this is such an important message

33 Superset Combinations To Build More Muscle In Less Time

2024-11-08T08:20:38-05:00By |Featured, Superset Training, Weight Training|

Did you know there are at least a half a dozen types of supersets, and one of them is the ultimate way to build more muscle in less time? This training system is scientifically proven, it works for everyone, it's engaging, and it gets you done with your workouts in half the time

How To Gain Muscle With Drop Sets Based On Science (11 Studies)

2024-10-17T09:27:58-04:00By |bodybuilding, Gain Muscle, Weight Training|

You may have heard of drop sets before because they've been around a long time and drop sets are one of the most popular high intensity muscle building methods. Arnold famously used drop sets on barbell curls to build some of the best biceps of all time. Today you see recreational lifters doing drop sets every day in every gym. Maybe you already do them too. But if so, are you sure you're doing them right? If you're doing them wrong, or not doing them at all, you're missing out on major gains...

From 100 Pound Weight Loss To “Muscle And Physique”

2024-12-06T16:41:39-05:00By |Podcasts, Transformations|

Discover how Shana Grandstaff dropped almost 100 pounds of fat, replaced it with muscle, and then won the Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle body transformation challenge ... all without restricting carbs or cutting out favorite foods like pizza, cookies, ice cream and chocolate.

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