Why Do Most People Gain The Fat Back?
The questions about how to lose fat are endless. They are asked perpetually on facebook, in magazines, at the gym, in doctor’s offices, in schools, on podcasts, on talk shows. [...]
The questions about how to lose fat are endless. They are asked perpetually on facebook, in magazines, at the gym, in doctor’s offices, in schools, on podcasts, on talk shows. [...]
Every November and December I see articles about how to avoid holiday weight gain. Some of them are on mainstream news or gossip websites and the advice is rather simplistic. They often include tips like: [...]
In part 3, Tom answers: What mistakes did you make on your four-month thru-hike? Did you get post-hike depression? Did you form bad eating habits on the trail? How did you transition back to normal eating? How have your metabolism and lean body mass changed after the hike? Is muscle memory working?
What kind of nutrition fuels 30 miles a day of hiking? How does body composition change from burning 6000 calories a day? Should you train in a special way before starting a thru-hike? What do you learn about the body over months of hiking? What lessons do you learn? What’s the most difficult challenge?
Hi everyone, it’s Katherine Wilson here. I’m the Burn the Fat Challenge director at burnthefatinnercircle.com. I’m super excited because I have a special guest with me – it’s none other than Tom Venuto himself. [...]
The Pacific Crest Trail: 2650-miles from Mexico to Canada. Through California, Oregon and Washington. 57 mountain passes. 7 national parks. 25 national forests. 1000 lakes. High point 13,253 feet (Forester Pass in Sierra Nevada). 6 million steps. 490,000 feet of elevation gain / loss. Men burn 6000 calories per day or more.
How do you get stronger, improve your maximum lifts and also improve your physique overall if you only have two days a week to dedicate for lifting? What’s the best approach to weight training when [...]
Rating your body type using the classic system invented by William Sheldon is called “somatotyping.” Most people just use the term body type instead of somatotype, but whatever you call it, people have been intrigued [...]
When should you increase the weight you're lifting? How much weight should you add? How do you know if the weight is too heavy? How do you know if the weight is too light? If [...]
Once you’ve planned out a weight training routine that follows all the best practices of good program design, the single most important thing you can do to gain muscle is consistently apply the principle of [...]