Superset Training Saves Time But Are Supersets Good For Building Muscle?

2021-03-01T11:25:35-05:00By |Superset Training, Weight Training|

Scientific studies say that superset training is so efficient, it can cut your gym time by 50%. That’s great for busy folks, but it also brings up the question: Are these “time efficient” workouts any good for building muscle and strength, or is there a huge compromise, like you only get half the results?

From Pullup Zero To Pull-up Hero: How To Get Your First Pull-up… And Then Start Cranking Out Reps Like A Boss!

2020-07-27T12:16:50-04:00By |Weight Training|

Wanna know how to get your first pull-up - and then quickly build up to full sets of 10 or more? If so, you're in the right place! Most beginners and even a large [...]

How A Grandmother Of 6 Built A Figure Athlete Body In 98 Days

2020-07-27T20:42:35-04:00By |Burn The Fat Challenge, Transformations|

In today's post you'll find out  how a grandmother of six and Burn The Fat Body Transformation Challenge first-timer overcame depression and poor health to build muscle, get ripped and win first place in the [...]

How Often Should You Train Your Abs?

2024-10-07T14:50:36-04:00By |Abs|

Some people believe the abs should be trained just like any other body part. But many believe the abs can handle more frequent training, such as every other day. And you'll always bump into people who recommend training the abs almost every day. How often should you train your abs might seem confusing, but the science of resistance training has advanced to the point where we've got some good best practices that the majority of people can follow with confidence.

How Tracking Your Workout Calories Burned Can Sabotage Your Fat Loss

2020-06-29T21:04:46-04:00By |Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

Tracking the calories you burn from your workouts could sabotage your fat loss? What? Aren't you supposed to do that? Isn't it a good idea to use fitness trackers to monitor your calorie burn? Don't you [...]

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