The Most Efficient Muscle-Building Workouts For Busy People

2022-08-13T13:48:40-04:00By |Featured, Superset Training, Weight Training|

A superset is a weight training technique where you perform two exercises in a row with little or no rest in between. After the second exercise, you take a short reast, about 1 or 2 minutes. Repeat for 3 sets. Superset workouts are scientifically proven to build muscle in less time – ideal for busy people

Intensity or Insanity? How Much Training Effort is Enough?

2020-07-30T21:19:22-04:00By |Cardio Training, Exercise & Fitness|

Intensity is one of the most important training variables, and at times, it's definitely beneficial to push yourself and train with high intensity (effort level) especially if you're short on time and want efficiency. [...]

Superset Training Saves Time But Are Supersets Good For Building Muscle?

2021-03-01T11:25:35-05:00By |Superset Training, Weight Training|

Scientific studies say that superset training is so efficient, it can cut your gym time by 50%. That’s great for busy folks, but it also brings up the question: Are these “time efficient” workouts any good for building muscle and strength, or is there a huge compromise, like you only get half the results?

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