The G-Flux Interview With John Berardi, Part 1: Eat More, Burn More

2023-10-31T14:49:21-04:00By |Classic Posts, Tom's Interviews|

This website, Burn the Fat Blog, has been online since 2006. There are tons of great posts buried way back in the archives that rarely get viewed anymore. While a handful of them need [...]

The G-Flux Interview With John Berardi, Part 2: How Much Exercise Do You Really Need?

2023-10-31T14:49:42-04:00By |Classic Posts, Tom's Interviews|

This is part 2 in an exclusive interview with Dr. John Berardi about “Energy Flux” – also known as “G-Flux”, which refers to the amount of energy flowing into and out of a system [...]

Is Spot Reduction Of Body Fat Possible After All? (What The Latest Science Says)

2022-01-10T10:46:59-05:00By |Abs, Science & Research, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

Spot reduction of body fat is the theory that you can burn fat preferentially from one area of the body by doing exercises which target that specific spot. The most common [...]

This Type Of Exercise Is Shockingly Good For You

2021-04-22T13:39:30-04:00By |Cardio Training, Exercise & Fitness, Health|

Many fitness enthusiasts believe that unless cardio is high in intensity (like interval training or sprints), it's not beneficial ("high intensity or nothing" mentality). In a similar train of thought. Most people believe that walking [...]

The Definitive Guide To Antagonist Superset Training: How To Build More Muscle In Half The Time

2022-04-26T11:12:19-04:00By |Featured, Superset Training, Weight Training|

Even before modern scientific research on supersets was ever published, world-class bodybuilders had already figured it out. Antagonist superset training was a favorite technique of the bodybuilding champions in the 60s and 70s Golden Era, including Mr. America Dave Draper and the one and only Arnold Schwarzenegger. This is the definitive guide to supersets…

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