20 Sleep Habits For Weight Loss And Muscle Growth

2020-08-10T12:51:30-04:00By |Health, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

Not losing fat? Not gaining muscle? Thinking you need a new diet? Different training plan? Well, hang on. First, how's your sleep? Poor sleep hygiene and sleep deprivation can stop fat loss and muscle growth dead in its tracks. Here is the ultimate checklist of the top 20 tips for better muscle-building, fat-burning sleep, according to science

How To Make Push-Ups As Effective As The Bench Press

2020-08-07T18:23:19-04:00By |Bodyweight training, Home Training|

Despite the popularity of body weight training, questions have remained about how effective body weight exercises really are. Push-ups vs bench press - could a bodyweight exercise possibly compare to a barbell exercise? How far can exercises like push-ups take you in strength and muscle gains compared to using free weights? Click here to find out!

7 Ways To Do More Pull-Ups

2020-08-01T20:24:20-04:00By |Exercise & Fitness, Guest Blogs|

Most people struggle with pull-ups, and many can’t do a single unassisted rep. In this post, you’ll learn 7 tips to increase your pull-up reps – whether you’re trying for your first strict pull-up, or your first 10 reps, 20 reps, or beyond - like Tom, who recently hit his personal record of 30 reps

Is It Ever Safe To Cut Calories More Aggressively To Burn Fat Faster?

2022-08-18T07:45:46-04:00By |Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

You're losing fat too slow. You want to burn fat faster. However, you've heard cutting calories too much kills your metabolism, tanks your hormones and makes you miserable. But you see people cut calories lower than they're supposed to, they get ripped abs, and they don't seem worse off for it. What gives?

Apple Pie Protein Mug Cake Recipe

2020-08-08T00:41:02-04:00By |Recipes|

A traditional mug cake really is cake. It's a dessert with lots of sugar and fat. It's not unusual for one of those treats to have 500 to 600 calories. Yikes! Not healthy. Not helpful for fat loss. My mission here with our apple pie protein mug cake recipe was to cut calories at least in half, with more nutritional value, while giving you great fat loss-friendly macros, without any compromise in taste.

How Often Should You Eat Protein To Maximize Muscle Growth… And Why Fasting Can Hold Back Your Gains

2020-07-30T20:08:04-04:00By |Food & Nutrition, Gain Muscle|

How often should you eat protein if your goal is to maximize muscle gains? If you've been persuaded by trendy diets like intermittent fasting, you might think protein frequency and distribution don't matter. "Just [...]

Protein Lover’s Extra-Moist Banana Bread

2020-08-10T09:24:59-04:00By |Recipes|

Traditional banana bread goes over the top with sugar and butter - often a full cup of sugar and eight tablespoons of butter. That's not healthy, and sure doesn't make fat loss any easier. Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle protein banana bread is lower in calories, higher in protein, and uses more nutritious ingredients without compromising on taste or texture one bit.

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