Exercise For Weight Loss: Is It Useless? The Calorie Compensation Controversy

2021-10-26T09:13:22-04:00By |Exercise & Fitness, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

For several years now, there has been a theory that when you exercise more, some of the increased calorie burn is "cancelled" because your basal metabolic rate decreases. An internationally publicized study now appears to confirm this, showing 27.7% "energy compensation." This has caused a number of fitness influencers to start claiming exercise doesn't work for weight loss and that "Weight loss is all diet." But what does a closer look at this research really say? Tom Venuto digs deeper and clears up the controversy...

Tom Venuto’s High Protein Apple Cinnamon Baked Oatmeal (AKA “Breakfast Apple Pie”)

2021-10-18T17:01:25-04:00By |Recipes|

Some people say baked oatmeal is like a breakfast "casserole." I'd go as far as describing my protein apple cinnamon baked oatmeal as being like "breakfast apple pie!" I do admit it, I'm an oatmeal [...]

The Newest Muscle Building Science: 8 Research-Proven Breakthroughs That Guarantee Gains

2022-08-14T18:04:18-04:00By |bodybuilding|

The last 10 years have been an exciting time in the muscle building science world. There have been so many discoveries – even major breakthroughs – that there has never been more certainty about how to train to build muscle than today. That is, if you’ve been following the science. If you pay no attention to science, you might still be using training ideas that were outdated decades ago.

5 Tips For Autopilot Fat Loss

2021-09-17T16:54:24-04:00By |Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

While pop diet culture tells us we just need self-discipline and (insert latest diet fad) for fat loss, there are easier, more effective and more long-term-friendly ways to get this done. One of the most effective umbrella strategies of better health and fat loss is shaping your environment: setting your life up in a way that nudges you in a particular direction. In short, we want to automate as much of our daily lives as possible. Here are 5 of the best tips for autopilot fat loss...

Pumpkin Protein Pancake Mug Cake

2021-10-07T15:29:38-04:00By |Recipes|

You've heard of pumpkin pancakes. You've heard of protein pancakes. You've heard of pumpkin protein pancakes. You may even have heard of pumpkin protein mug cakes. But here is something maybe you haven't seen before: Pumpkin protein pancake mug cakes! Yes, this is a mug cake made with pancake mix. Protein fortified too. Best part: It's done in 80 seconds in the microwave...

How To Set Up Your Environment For Fat Loss Success

2021-09-17T16:03:40-04:00By |Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

Your eating behaviors get set off by environmental triggers. Those triggers are lurking in your kitchen, in your dining room, in grocery stores, in restaurants, and even in the "behavioral norms of social circles." The good news is,  research has uncovered more than a dozen simple, but powerful strategies you can us to create an environment around you conducive to fat loss success

Lean And Healthy Sweet And Sour Pork Tenderloin Stir Fry

2024-04-27T08:50:38-04:00By |Recipes|

This is the best lean and healthy sweet and sour pork recipe you will ever make at home. It blows away anything you would ever get at a fast food Asian take out joint, and it even matches or beats anything you would find at a high end Asian restaurant. Plus, pork tenderloin is so lean, the protein is as high as chicken breast and there's hardly any fat

Cardio For Weight Loss: A NEAT Explanation For Why It Fails

2021-09-08T21:15:48-04:00By |Cardio Training, Most Popular, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

"Why isn't my cardio working?"  Despite not only doing regular cardio for weeks, but actually increasing the duration of your cardio, you might still see no added weight loss and you're wondering what you're doing wrong. You're starting to wonder if cardio for weight loss doesn't work... Actually cardio does work, and when it doesn't, there are specific reasons why it fails - this is one of them...

The Mind-Muscle Connection And How To Strengthen It: Top 10 Techniques For Mental Power In The Gym

2021-08-19T15:31:44-04:00By |Motivation & Mindset|

For years, bodybuilders have preached about the importance of the mind to muscle connection. Physique athletes believe that improving your ability to concentrate on the muscle you're training, and feel the muscle contract, will increase activation in the target muscle and reduce the involvement of secondary muscles, and that this in turn will increase muscle growth.

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