Does HIIT Burn Fat Better Than Steady State Cardio?

2022-04-23T17:47:35-04:00By |Cardio Training, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

High intensity interval training (HIIT) has been promoted as a time-efficient way of doing cardio. Advocates of HIIT often claim that HIIT is superior to moderate intensity steady-state training (MISS) for fat loss. However, whether HIIT produces more total fat loss over time has not been confirmed in long-term research that measured body composition. A new meta-analysis reviewing 54 different studies has now finally answered the question, which is better, "slow and steady or hard and fast"...

Nature Walking vs Treadmill Walking: The Effects On Hormones And Reducing Stress

2022-04-17T20:16:01-04:00By |Exercise & Fitness, Health, Hiking & Backpacking, Science & Research|

Walking is great for your health, including reducing stress. Recent research says walking in nature is even better. The Japanese call it "forest bathing" (Shinrin-Yoku). Sounds kind of esoteric, even "woo-woo" but the science is there. Read this post to see what the latest studies say

How Many Calories Does A Pound Of Muscle Burn?

2022-05-11T09:56:09-04:00By |Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

You may have heard that muscle burns more calories at rest than fat does. It's true. Three times as much. You may have also heard that when you build more muscle, you'll increase your metabolism. Technically that's also true. You may have even heard the specific claim that each pound of muscle you add to your body burns 50 more calories per day. That is absolutely not true. It's a big myth.

Diet Myths: 20 Things That Quacks, Cons And Charlatans Say

2022-03-25T20:22:42-04:00By |Hall of Shame, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

It’s an amazing time to be alive. Today, there’s not only more health fitness and nutrition knowledge available at your fingertips than ever before, but also more evidence-based (scientific) information. The problem in this new internet age is that mixed in with some of the best info we have ever had, is an equal if not larger amount of misinformation circulated by quacks, cons and charlatans. In this post, Tom Venuto debunks 20 of the biggest diet myths

How Much Sugar Is Too Much? Detailed Answers From Science, Plus Common Sense

2022-03-19T14:02:08-04:00By |Food & Nutrition, Health|

Almost everyone agrees that too much added sugar is not good for our health or our waistlines. Almost everyone also agrees that a little bit of occasional sugar is fairly harmless. Most people would consider those two points common sense. Yet for years, there's been no consensus about what is a little sugar and what is excessive sugar. Fortunately, a close look at the most recent scientific research, combined with a little common sense gives us some pretty solid guidelines, which you can see in this blog post

How To Get Enough Protein To Build Muscle And Burn Fat: 33 Proven And Practical Ways

2022-03-12T15:00:02-05:00By |Food & Nutrition, Gain Muscle|

If you're falling short on protein, what should you do? First, double check to see if you set your daily protein goal properly. Many people make mistakes when setting their macros and think they need far more protein than they do. Second, if you still need to eat more protein, check out our list of the 33 best ways to make sure you get enough protein

30 Ways To Eat More Vegetables (And Get Healthier And Leaner), Even If You Don’t Like Vegetables

2022-02-23T08:12:57-05:00By |Food & Nutrition, Health|

According to the Center For Disease Control, only 10% of Americans get the minimum recommended daily fruit and vegetable intake. That's an unfortunate statistic considering that eating a lot of vegetables and fruits every day is one of the best ways to get healthier and lose weight without much effort.

What To Eat To Lose Weight And Get Healthy: It’s Simpler Than You Think

2022-05-11T10:29:40-04:00By |Food & Nutrition|

If you've ever been confused about what to eat to lose weight and get healthy, you're not alone. No subject has been over-complicated more than "what should I eat?" Fortunately, there's no subject more easily simplified...

The Fresh Start Effect And The Truth About New Year’s Resolutions

2023-12-14T19:58:02-05:00By |Motivation & Mindset|

Many programs, initiatives and aspirations aren't acted on because the best time to start wasn't taken into consideration. If a call to action catches you in the middle of you busy life when you're entrenched in other routines, it's easy to ignore. Psychologists are now saying that the best time to motivate yourself to start is when it feels like you have a clean slate. This is a time when no old habits or routines are working against you. It's called the fresh start effect.

Why Self Motivation Is The Best Motivation

2021-12-24T17:01:08-05:00By |Motivation & Mindset|

Only a small percentage of people stay motivated to keep going consistently month after month, year after year, continuing to pursue fitness and continuing to improve themselves. What's the difference between these people and the masses who drop out? The answer may lie in the type of motivation they use because there's one kind of motivation that's stronger and longer lasting than all the rest

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