Questions And Answers About Creatine: The 1 Muscle Building Supplement That Works

2023-04-21T11:37:08-04:00By |Supplements|

Readers who have followed me for any length of time know that I've pledged to never sell supplements or associate in any way with the supplement industry. While there are a number of supplements [...]

The Double Edged Sword Of “Healthy” Fast Food

2023-03-10T20:02:32-05:00By |Classic Posts, Food & Nutrition|

A Burn the Fat Blog Archives Classic. Originally published March 15th, 2010. What’s on the menu at fast food restaurants lately? Ironically enough, the answer increasingly is… “health food!” Even more incongruous, many fast [...]

How Many Carbs Per Meal To Lose Weight? 

2023-02-10T16:38:28-05:00By |Food & Nutrition, Meal Planning|

How many carbs can you eat per meal without storing it as body fat? This has become a common question, and a part of the reason is due to low carb diets getting so popular. But you don't have to be scared of carbs, you simply need to know how to set them right for your goals and needs. Follow the 5 "carb-setting factors" in this post and you'll know exactly how many carbs to eat per meal without a doubt

The New Rules Of Setting Your Macros (Protein, Carbs, And Fat Made Simple)

2023-01-28T13:47:49-05:00By |Food & Nutrition, Meal Planning|

The "protein-first" method is a new, alternative, and most important - ultra simple - way of setting your macronutrients, aka "macros" - protein, carbohydrate and fat - that many nutrition coaches are starting to use and embrace because it's so simple. Having a simple method is helpful because crunching macro numbers is one of the first stages in the meal planning process where many people get confused and frustrated

Does Fasted Cardio Burn More Fat? (An Update)

2023-01-28T13:05:24-05:00By |Cardio Training, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

Does fasted cardio burn more fat? 20 or 30 years ago, almost everyone in fitness and bodybuilding thought so. You can count me in that group. I was a 1990s and 2000s era competition bodybuilder and I did a lot of fasted cardio first thing in the morning. Back then I also recommended cardio on an empty stomach to my training clients for burning more fat. Today the research is clear: Fasted cardio works, but it doesn't work better than fed cardio. Read the blog to learn why

What is the Best Time of Day to Work Out? Here’s What Science Says

2023-01-13T20:00:14-05:00By |Exercise & Fitness, Weight Training|

What is the best time of day to work out? I wouldn’t blame you if you were confused about this because everyone seems to have an opinion: Conventional wisdom says train in the morning to start your day right. But some coaches argue that it's better to train later in the day due to circadian rhythms. New research has shed some light on the "best time to train," including the best time to lift if you want to gain muscle...

The Countdown Calendar And Streak Technique: How to Peak Your Physique on a Deadline

2023-08-01T16:58:49-04:00By |Motivation & Mindset|

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a physique, fitness, or strength competitor, or you’re a recreational health, fitness or sports enthusiast, if you have goals and you know when you want to achieve them, then I guarantee the tool you're about to learn about will skyrocket your training, diet and overall fitness success. It can also help you establish any new habit or break any old one. It's also one of the simplest strategies you will ever use. It's so simple, you have to be careful not to dismiss it until you try it. Anyone can do this, and without much effort. Oh, it's free too...

What Are The Best 3 Days A Week Workout Schedules For Building Muscle?

2022-12-11T14:26:18-05:00By |Weight Training|

More people, especially as they get older, are finding that 5 or 6 days a week of lifting feels excessive, leading to so much fatigue and soreness, it's no longer fun. Sometimes they just give up. Others simply don't have time to train almost daily. If they are all or none thinkers, they might figure, "If I can't follow the ideal schedule to maximize results, why bother at all?" They don't realize how many time efficient training methods are out there. Training only 3 days a week is one of them. They also don't realize you can make excellent gains with only 3 workouts a week. And there are more options for 3 day schedules than you might imagine...

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