How to Control Food Cravings: 5 Science-Backed Methods That Actually Work

2025-03-21T19:36:00-04:00By |Motivation & Mindset, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

Research shows 94% of us experience regular food cravings—not because we lack willpower, but due to complex biological and psychological triggers. Discover why the most commonly craved foods are twice as calorie-dense as our regular diet, higher in sugar, higher in fat, and lower in protein. Learn 5 science-backed strategies to control cravings without feeling deprived, including one surprising 10-minute technique proven to eliminate even the strongest chocolate cravings.

Walking To Live Longer: The Blue Zone Anti-Aging Secret Backed by Science

2025-03-21T19:30:45-04:00By |Health, Walking & Hiking|

Want to live longer? One of the most powerful anti-aging secrets isn’t some pricey supplement, extreme diet, or intense workout. It’s something you already do - walking. Research shows that regular walking can slash disease risk, improve brain health, and even help you live longer—just like the world’s longest-living populations in the Blue Zones. Read on to discover how walking could be your simplest path to a longer, healthier life."

Overcoming Self-Doubt: A No-BS Guide For Fat Loss And Fitness Success

2025-03-14T16:18:19-04:00By |Motivation & Mindset|

Are you trapped in a cycle of self-doubt that's sabotaging your fitness goals? Discover 8 proven strategies to break free from overthinking and finally take action. Learn how to silence the mental saboteur holding you back, build confidence through small wins, and create systems that make success inevitable. This no-BS guide cuts through the mental noise and gives you practical tools to transform your mindset first and then your body

You Can Eat Processed Food And Still Lose Fat. But Should You?

2025-03-13T21:43:54-04:00By |Food & Nutrition, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

Is it true that you can lose body fat if you're in a calorie deficit, regardless of what foods you eat? Contrary to what many people think, it is true! If so, then why avoid tasty processed food? You only live once (YOLO), so why not eat anything you want, just being sure to stay in a deficit, and enjoy life? The answer is, calories are the bottom line when it comes to weight loss but there's more to a good nutrition plan than just calories

Diet Myths: 20 Things That Quacks, Cons And Charlatans Say

2025-03-04T12:56:28-05:00By |Hall of Shame, Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

It’s an amazing time to be alive. Today, there’s not only more health fitness and nutrition knowledge available at your fingertips than ever before, but also more evidence-based (scientific) information. The problem in this new internet age is that mixed in with some of the best info we have ever had, is an equal if not larger amount of misinformation circulated by quacks, cons and charlatans. In this post, Tom Venuto debunks 20 of the biggest diet myths

Cracking the Egg Myth: Why Nutrition Experts Now Recommend What They Once Feared

2025-03-02T10:30:40-05:00By |Food & Nutrition, Health|

For many years, people have been confused about eggs. Will the cholesterol in eggs increase the cholesterol in your blood? Are the yolks bad for your heart? Should you only eat egg whites? This article will explain what modern science tells us about eggs and health.

Thoughts About The Weight Loss Drug Ozempic (Semaglutide)… From A Natural Fitness Advocate

2025-03-15T12:24:27-04:00By |Weight Loss & Fat Loss|

Over the last few years, I've received numerous questions about the weight loss drug Ozempic (Semaglutide) but I never wrote about it before except in brief emails or social media replies. Since this topic has started coming up here in the Burn the Fat Inner Circle, I thought it was finally time to at least make a short post sharing what I know and think about the drug from the perspective of a natural bodybuilder and fitness coach...

How to Track Fat Loss Progress Without Body Fat Testing: 4 Proven Methods

2025-02-22T07:16:34-05:00By |Body Composition & Body Fat Testing|

Have you noticed all the chatter lately about whether it’s worth it to measure body fat percentage? A lot of coaches have stopped doing these tests for their clients. Many consumers complain that body fat scales (bioelectric impedance analysis) seem unreliable. They say skinfold calipers are hard to use. They wonder about accuracy. Should you ditch your body fat scale or calipers? Read this post and find out...

The Best Meal Prep Recipes In 7 Categories

2025-02-01T17:04:14-05:00By |Recipes|

What is a meal prep recipe? And what are the best meal prep recipes? You’ll see some of the best, in 7 different categories on the page below. But let’s start by answering the question, “What is a meal prep recipe?” This is a specific type of recipe. It’s the kind where you make your food in big batches. Cook once, and then eat for days. That’s the whole idea of meal prep.

13 Of The Best Meal Prep Ideas

2025-02-16T15:15:31-05:00By |Meal Planning|

Meal prepping (aka “meal prep”) is often misunderstood. Many people think meal prepping and meal planning are the same thing. The truth is, they go hand-in-hand, but they’re different. In this post, first I’ll quickly explain that difference, and then I’ll show you how I do meal prep, and how you can use these great meal prep ideas too to burn more fat (or build more muscle)

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