This is probably one of the single most powerful motivation strategies you can ever use to get yourself in the best shape of your life, in the shortest time possible. You’ve probably heard of this strategy before, or you may even have used it, but you may not have known how many different ways you can use it and leverage its power… or you don’t have enough opportunities to use it. Tom Venuto explains in this 6 minute special audio presentation… click the play button below to listen…

Question: Tom, is there a difference in your mental toughness when you set out on a journey to achieve the super lean body for competition compared to your approach throughout the remainder of the year when you are your regular lean self, and can you share one specific motivation strategy that our listeners can apply right now to take their mental approach to the next level?

To hear the answer on audio (6 minutes, 38 seconds), click the play button below.


scott tousignant & tom venuto

click play to hear Scott & Tom

Entering a competition or creating your own event that provides external accountability is a POWERFUL strategy, as my answer in this audio revealed in detail.

I believe that before and after competitions, transformation challenges and other types of contests are a fabulous way to create real motivation and I think everyone should participate in an event, challenge or competition of some kind, at some level, every year, if not more than once a year.

To hear more audio from Scott and Tom, visit Scott’s website at:

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